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SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics

Table of Contents
Volume 64, Issue 6, pp. 1839-2204

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Analysis of Stress-Driven Grain Boundary Diffusion. Part I

J. A. Sethian, Jon Wilkening, and Len Borucki

pp. 1839-1863

Analysis of Stress-Driven Grain Boundary Diffusion. Part II: Degeneracy

J. A. Sethian, Jon Wilkening, and Len Borucki

pp. 1864-1886

On the Evolution of Domain Walls in Hard Ferromagnets

Giuseppe Tomassetti and Paolo Podio-Guidugli

pp. 1887-1906

Numerical Solution of the Cauchy Problem for the Stationary Schrödinger Equation Using Faddeev's Green Function

Masaru Ikehata and Samuli Siltanen

pp. 1907-1932

Semiclassical Approximation of Electron-Phonon Scattering Beyond Fermi's Golden Rule

C. Ringhofer, H. Kosina, M. Nedjalkov, and S. Selberherr

pp. 1933-1953

Retrofocusing of Acoustic Wave Fields by Iterated Time Reversal

B. Lars G. Jonsson, Maarten V. de Hoop, Mats Gustafsson, and Vaughan H. Weston

pp. 1954-1986

A Noise Control Problem Arising in a Flow Duct

Jocelyne Vétillard and Philippe Destuynder

pp. 1987-2017

Guided Waves in a Photonic Bandgap Structure with a Line Defect

Fadil Santosa and Habib Ammari

pp. 2018-2033

Closed-Form Solutions for Perpetual American Put Options with Regime Switching

Q. Zhang and X. Guo

pp. 2034-2049

Minimal Rotationally Invariant Bases for Hyperelasticity

Gregory H. Miller

pp. 2050-2075

Analytical Solutions of a Growth Model for a Melt Region Induced by a Focused Laser Beam

Antoine Saucier, Jean-Yves Degorce, and Michel Meunier

pp. 2076-2095

Nonlinear Counterpropagating Waves, Multisymplectic Geometry, and the Instability of Standing Waves

Fiona E. Laine-Pearson and Thomas J. Bridges

pp. 2096-2120

Noncrystallographic Motion of a Dislocation as a Fine Mixture of Rectilinear Paths

Paolo Cermelli and Tiziana Armano

pp. 2121-2143

Rupture of a Surfactant-Covered Thin Liquid Film on a Flexible Wall

Omar K. Matar and Satish Kumar

pp. 2144-2166

Forward Scattering Series and Seismic Events: Far Field Approximations, Critical and Postcritical Events

Arthur B. Weglein, Bogdan G. Nita, and Kenneth H. Matson

pp. 2167-2185

Ginzburg--Landau Model in Thin Loops with Narrow Constrictions

Jacob Rubinstein, Michelle Schatzman, and Peter Sternberg

pp. 2186-2204